Hey, I'm Carla.
I am a Run & Fitness Content Creator, Qualified Personal Trainer and Hybrid Athlete.
It is my mission to continue to help people to their full potential through achieving goals they don't even know they have yet.
Health and Fitness has changed my life and constantly brings out the best version of myself. I really believe it is core in building mental resilience, confidence and living life to the full. I am qualified in change management and I have previously been in the Royal Air Force so I know a bit about resilience. I spent 99% of my time challenging people and showing them what they are truly capable of.
I have always been involved in the fitness world, I played rugby for both Cornwall and the South West of England at a young age and have been a Run Leader for multiple clubs too. I don't believe you should be either a 'runner, triathlete, cyclist' or a 'weight-lifter' and you can be all of these things! Fitness should be for everyone, I believe in the mix of cardio and strength to be an all-round functional athlete so you are capable to achieve anything you want.
I am a weight-lifter as well as someone who runs a sub 20 min 5km, has completed a 50km ultra marathon and completed a triathlon. Never be afraid to try something new.
My content is here to inspire and I love to work with brands that support my vision.
Get in touch at carla.moseley@carlamoves.com